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Education Partners

Instill Pride, Enhance Confidence,
Spark Creativity


  • Education Partners are high schools, colleges, and community-based organizations interested in having their participants receive the Birthright AFRICA experience 
  • Education Partners create local, national, and global Birthright Programs with the guidance of Birthright AFRICA
  • Education Partners are encouraged to fully fund their programs with the strategic support and fundraising tools provided by Birthright AFRICA.
  • Education Partners benefits include technical support and guidance on itinerary development, referrals to Black travel operators, obtaining passports, visas, vaccination requirements as well as discounts on airline tickets, accommodations, etc.
  • Want to become an Education Partner with Birthright AFRICA? Get in touch here
I am committed now more to myself than I have ever been….. After the trip, I am more affirmed that all things were possible with hard work and dedication.

Tredesha Howard

2017 CUNY Birthright Alumna

I have learned to love myself more as an African American and to take pride in where I come from. I will implement what I have learned from the Birthright AFRICA program into my career goals by using the confidence to speak up, seek help, and aspire to do and say what I dream of doing.

Mikel Haye

2018 CUNY Birthright Alumni

Growing up I was definitely very proud of my African roots but I think the Birthright AFRICA program has certainly played a major role in enhancing that awareness. I am now entertaining the idea of moving to the continent once I graduate college.

Peteso Barlee

2018 CUNY Birthright Alumna

I have far more pride in my African heritage.

Elijah Mogoli

2019 GrowHouse Birthright Alumni

I loved the weather, the natural foods, the people, the fashion--it was beautiful. I have also had my views on returning to Africa demystified. Africa has awakened in me. My sense of belonging somewhere is real and has been realized.

Shanell Naylor

2019 GrowHouse Birthright Alumna

What I discovered about myself is all I wanted was to find my place amongst Africa. As an African-American we are convinced there is no place of belonging or welcome, and worst, that no one is interested. I didn't know the depth of my longing to be among my people, and how sick America can make you without such ties to your Homeland.

Christyn Harris-Harrell

2019 Urban Sankofa Project Birthright Alumna

I want to play a significant role in the development and unification of the continent. After seeing and experiencing what I did, a new sense of purpose developed within me. I now have a specific cause to dedicate my efforts to on a grand scale.

Kareem Williams

2019 GrowHouse Birthright Alumni

I love Africa, more than I ever thought I would.

Anthony Castro

2019 Urban Sankofa Project Birthright Alumni

I am proud of my ancestry and comfortable living my own truth in my own skin.

Kanu Matthews

The Black Highway 2022

I feel my overall sense of cultural understanding and self-identity has definitely grown deeper. I am now more confident in who I am and fulfilling my purpose.

Kendal McAuley

The Black Highway 2022

I have the opportunity to help bridge gaps and disparities I’ve grown so disheartened to watch and now see a positive mission for growth and helping build equity and wealth.

Jared Bailey

The Black Highway 2022

I feel closer to my African identity. It actualized what going back home feels like and it gave me a route to further build community on the continent.

Sira Lewis

The Black Highway 2022

I feel like I'm just so much more grounded... so much more spiritual. I feel like I know the purpose of life now. I'm at peace with myself.

Imani Fuentes

The Black Highway 2022